Be sure to disconnect the negative (–) cable first.
ZX1000J Model [E] ZX1000K Model [F]
Throttle Body Assy Disassembly
1. Throttle Body Assy
2. Subthrottle Valve Actuator
3. Idle Speed Control Valve Actuator
4. Main Throttle Sensor
5. Subthrottle Sensor
6. Primary Fuel Injectors
7. Delivery Pipe Assy
Do not remove, disassemble or adjust the main
throttle sensor, subthrottle sensor, subthrottle
v ...
Balance Weight Installation
Check if the weight portion has any play on the blade [A]
and clip [B].
If it does, discard it.
WARNINGUnbalanced wheels can create an unsafe
condition. If the balance weight has any play on
the rib of the rim, the blade and/or clip have been
stretched. Replace th ...
Connecting Rod Big End Bearing Insert Selection
Crankshaft Main Bearing Insert Selection
*: The bearing inserts for Nos. 2 and 4 journals have an oil groove,
respectively. ...