Air Switching Valve Operation Test
Refer to the Air Suction System Damage Inspection in the Periodic Maintenance chapter.
Air Switching Valve Unit Test
Special Tool - Hand Tester: 57001-1394
Air Switching Valve Resistance
Standard: 20 24 Ω at 20°C (68°F)
If the resistance reading is out of the specified value, replace it with a new one.
If the air switching valve dose not operate as described, replace it with a new one.
To check air flow through the air switching valve, just blow through the air switching valve hose (intake side) [C].
Air Switching Valve Circuit
1. ECU
2. Air Switching Valve
3. Ignition Switch
4. Joint Connector F
5. Joint Connector A
6. Fuse Box 1
7. Ignition Fuse 15 A
8. Relay Box
9. ECU Main Relay
10. Frame Ground 1
11. Frame Ground 3
12. Starter Relay
13. ECU Fuse 15 A
14. Main Fuse 30 A
15. Battery
16. Engine Ground
Spring Preload Adjustment
The spring preload adjuster is located
at the lower end of each front fork leg
and can be adjusted.
To increase spring preload and
stiffen the suspension, turn the
preload adjuster clockwise with a
hexagon wrench.
To decrease preload and soften the
suspension, turn the preload adjust ...
Starter Motor Installation
Do not tap the starter motor shaft or body. Tapping
the shaft or body could damage the motor.
Clean the starter motor legs [A] and crankcase where the
starter motor is ground.
Replace the O-ring [A] with a new one.
Apply grease to the new O-ring.
Torque - Starter ...
Oil Pressure Relief Valve Inspection
Remove the oil pressure relief valve (see Oil Pressure
Relief Valve Removal).
Check to see if the valve [A] slides smoothly when pushing
it in with a wooden or other soft rod, and see if it comes
back to its seat by spring [B] pressure.
Inspect the valve in its assembled stat ...