If the mechanical seal is damaged, the coolant leaks through the seal and drains through the passage. Replace the mechanical seal unit (seeWater Pump Housing Disassembly/Assembly).
Brake Pedal Position Adjustment
Usually it is not necessary to adjust the pedal position,
but always adjust it when push rod locknut has been
Loosen the locknut [A] and turn the push rod with the hex
head [B] to achieve the correct pedal position.
If the length [C] shown is 69 ±1 mm (2.7 ±0.04 in.), th ...
KIBS Hydraulic Unit Removal
The KIBS hydraulic unit [A] has been adjusted
and set with precision at the factory. Therefore, it
should be handled carefully, never struck sharply,
as with a hammer, or allowed to fall on a hard
Be careful not to get water or mud on the KIBS hydraulic
Drain the b ...
Tire Wear, Damage
As the tire tread wears down, the tire
becomes more susceptible to puncture
and failure. An accepted estimate is
that 90% of all tire failures occur during
the last 10% of tread life (90% worn).
So it is false economy and unsafe to
use the tires until they are bald
In accordance with the ...