The wheel rotation sensor should be handled carefully, never struck sharply, as with a hammer, or allowed to fall on a hard surface since the wheel rotation sensor is precision made. Be careful not to get water or mud on the wheel rotation sensor.
Do not try to disassemble or repair the wheel rotation sensor.
Radiator Hose and O-ring Replacement
Drain the coolant (see Coolant Change).
Upper Fairing Assembly (see Upper Fairing Assembly
Removal in the Frame chapter)
Thermostat Housing [A] (see Thermostat Removal in the
Cooling System chapter)
Oil Cooler [B] (see Oil Cooler Removal in the Engine
Lubrication System chap ...
Spring Preload Adjustment
The spring preload adjuster is located
at the lower end of each front fork leg
and can be adjusted.
To increase spring preload and
stiffen the suspension, turn the
preload adjuster clockwise with a
hexagon wrench.
To decrease preload and soften the
suspension, turn the preload adjust ...
Rebound Damping Force Adjustment
The rebound damping force adjuster
is located at the upper end of the rear
shock absorber.
A. Rebound Damping Force Adjuster
B. To increase damping force
C. To decrease damping force
Using a screwdriver turn the rebound
damping force adjuster clockwise
to increase rebound damping or ...