Kawasaki Ninja Owners Manual: Keys

Kawasaki Ninja Owners Manual / General information / Keys

This motorcycle has a combination key, which is used for the ignition switch, steering lock, seat lock, and fuel tank cap.

Included with the key is a key number, which may be stamped on a separate plate. Record the key number in the space provided and store the number in a safe place. If your keys came with a plate, store it in a safe place as well.


A. Ignition Key

B. Tag

C. Key Number

Write your key number here

In the event you lose your keys, you will need the key number to have a duplicate made. If you cannot locate your key number, contact the dealer where you purchased your Kawasaki motorcycle.

It’s possible the dealermay have the number in its records. If the key number is lost completely, you will need to replace the ignition switch and all other locks operated by that key.

Contact your Kawasaki dealer to purchase additional spare keys either using your original key as a master or using the key code on the tag or your key.

Store one key at home and keep another spare in your wallet or riding gear, in case the original is lost.

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