Exhaust Butterfly Valve Actuator Sensor Resistance Inspection
Turn the ignition switch to OFF.
Disconnect the exhaust butterfly valve actuator sensor
connector (3 pins connector) [A] (see Exhaust Butterfly
Valve Actuator Sensor Input Voltage Inspection).
Connect a digital meter [B] to the exhaust butterfly valve
actuator sensor connector.
Measur ...
DFI Servicing Precautions
There are a number of important precautions that should
be followed servicing the DFI system.
This DFI system is designed to be used with a 12 V sealed
battery as its power source. Do not use any other battery
except for a 12 V sealed battery as a power source.
Do not reverse the battery ...
Lower Crankcase Assembly
Install the ball bearing [A] and the oil level inspection window
[B] until they are bottomed
Apply soap and water solution to the oil level inspection
window before installation.
Install the new circlip [C].
Apply a non-permanent locking agent to the oil passage
plug [D].
Tighten: ...