Kawasaki Ninja Service Manual: Camshaft Installation

Kawasaki Ninja Service Manual / Engine Top End / Camshaft, Camshaft Chain / Camshaft Installation


The exhaust camshaft has a 1001 EX mark [A] and the intake camshaft has a 3154 IN mark [B]. Be careful not to mix up these shafts.

Camshaft Installation

The intake camshaft sprocket and exhaust camshaft sprocket are identical

Torque - Camshaft Sprocket Bolts: 15 N·m (1.5 kgf·m, 11 ft·lb)

Camshaft Installation

If a new camshaft is to be used, apply a thin coat of molybdenum disulfide grease to the cam surfaces.


The crankshaft may be turned while the camshafts are removed. Always pull the chain taut while turning the crankshaft. This avoids kinking the chain on the lower (crankshaft) sprocket. A kinked chain could damage both the chain and the sprocket.

Camshaft Installation

The timing marks must be aligned with the cylinder head upper surface [B].

EX Mark [C] IN Mark [D] #1 Pin [E] #2 Pin [F] #28 Pin [G] #29 Pin [H]

Camshaft Installation

Camshaft Installation

Torque - Camshaft Cap Bolts (1 ∼ 18): 12 N·m (1.2 kgf·m, 106 in·lb) Upper Camshaft Chain Guide Bolts (19, 20): 12 N·m (1.2 kgf·m, 106 in·lb)

Camshaft Installation

Camshaft Removal
Remove: Cylinder Head Cover (see Cylinder Head Cover Removal) Crankshaft Sensor Cover (see Crankshaft Sensor Removal in the Electrical System chapter) Using a wrench on the timing rotor bol ...

Camshaft, Camshaft Cap Wear Inspection
Remove the camshaft caps (see Camshaft Removal). Cut the strips of plastigage (press gauge) to journal width. Place a strip on each journal parallel to the camshaft installed in the correct ...

Other materials:

Engine No. ZXT00JE003023
1. Heat Insulation Rubber Plate 2. For Air Switching Valve Hoses (Place the air switching valve above the rubber plate.) 3. For Stick Coils 4. For Throttle Body Assy Holder #2 and #3 5. For Water Temperature Sensor 6. Insert the tab into the slot. 7. For Throttle Body Assy Holder #4 8. ...

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Remove any imbedded stones [A] or other foreign particles [B] from tread. Visually inspect the tire for cracks and cuts, and replace the tire if necessary. Swelling or high spots indicate internal damage, requiring tire replacement. Visually inspect the wheel for cracks, cuts and dents ...

Crankshaft Sensor Installation
Apply a non-permanent locking agent to the crankshaft sensor bolts [A]. Tighten: Torque - Crankshaft Sensor Bolts: 5.9 N·m (0.60 kgf·m, 52 in·lb) Using a high flash-point solvent, clean off any oil or dirt that may be on the silicone sealant coating area. Dry them with a clean cl ...