Special Tool - Swingarm Pivot Nut Wrench: 57001-1597
Make the gap between the adjusting collar and swingarm.
Coolant Flow Chart
1. Radiator
2. Radiator Fan
3. Water Pump
4. Oil Cooler
5. Oil Cooler Intake Hose
6. Oil Cooler Outlet Hose
7. Cylinder Jacket
8. Cylinder Head Jacket
9. Thermostat Housing
10. Air Bleeder Hose
11. Radiator Cap
12. Radiator Overflow Hose
13. Reserve Tank
14. Reserve Tank Overflow Ho ...
Evaporative Emission Control System Inspection (CAL and SEA-B1 Models)
Inspect the canister as follows.
Remove the upper fairing assembly (see Upper Fairing
Assembly Removal in the Frame chapter).
Remove the canister [A].
Visually inspect the canister for cracks or other damage.
If the canister has any cracks or bad damage, replace it
with a new one.
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Brake Line Bleeding
The brake fluid has a very low compression coefficient so
that almost all the movement of the brake lever or pedal
is transmitted directly to the caliper for braking action. Air,
however, is easily compressed. When air enters the brake
lines, brake lever or pedal movement will be partially used