The spring preload adjuster is located at the lower end of each front fork leg and can be adjusted.
A. Spring Preload Adjuster
B. Hexagon Wrench
Spring Preload Setting
*: This position is the fully seated position (turned fully counterclockwise).
**: In from the fully seated position (turned fully counterclockwise). This adjustment range may not exactly match the number shown in the table due to small tolerance of production.
Coolant Change
WARNINGCoolant can be extremely hot and cause
burns, is toxic and very slippery. Do not remove
the radiator cap or attempt to change the coolant
when the engine is hot; allow it cool completely.
Immediately wipe any spilled coolant from tires,
frame, engine or othe ...
Rocker Arm Removal
Squeeze the brake lever slowly and hold it with a band.
Remove the front footpeg bracket bolts.
Raise the rear wheel off the ground with the jack (see
Rear Shock Absorber Removal).
Special Tools - Jack: 57001-1238
Jack Attachment: 57001-1608
Lower Rear Shock Absorber B ...
Service Code Erasing
When repair has been done, warning indicator light (LED) and warning symbol
go off and service
code are not displayed.
But the service codes stored in memory of the ECU are not erased to preserve
the problem history.
In this model, the problem history can not be erased. However, the memorie ...